This is the high bound for the frame counter. It is the total number of frames that should be generated for the scene. This is used to calculate the span of clock values. This is the last frame number to generate images for. It can be any integer number from "Start at" to "Final". This is the first frame number to start generating images for. It can be any integer number from "Initial" to "End at". This is a constant low bound for the frame counter. It is always one. This dialog sets up how many frames of animation to generate, and how the clock variable should change across the frames. PolyWood.POV scene file, by Eduard [esp] Schwan. To allow the programming team to get back off their soapboxes and return to work, click here. Welcome to our magical About Box. Welcome to our magical About Box. Welcome to our magical About Box. Welcome to our magical About Box. Select this item to bring the Image window to the front. It is already frontmost. Select this item to bring the Image window to the front. Not available because the Image window is not shown. You must first render something, and use the “View” item in the Image menu to show the window. Select this item to bring the Image window to the front. Select this item to bring the Source window to the front. It is already frontmost. Select this item to bring the Source window to the front. Not available because the Source window is not open. Select this item to bring the Source window to the front. Select this item to bring the Status window to the front. It is already frontmost. Select this item to bring the Status window to the front. Not available because.. hey! It should always be available! Select this item to bring the Status window to the front. Windows Menu This menu contains an item for each window on the screen. Selecting one of the items brings that window to the front. The frontmost window is indicated by a checkmark by its menu item. Windows Menu This menu contains an item for each window on the screen. Selecting one of the items brings that window to the front. The frontmost window is indicated by a checkmark by its menu item. Use this to display the Image window at 4 times its regular size. The window is currently at this size. Use this to display the Image window at 4 times its regular size. Use this to display the Image window at 3 times its regular size. The window is currently at this size. Use this to display the Image window at 3 times its regular size. Use this to display the Image window at twice its regular size. The window is currently at this size. Use this to display the Image window at twice its regular size. Use this to display the Image window at regular size. The window is currently at this size. Use this to display the Image window at regular size. Use this to display the Image window at any size. The size box in the lower right corner can be dragged around to change the window to any size. The window is currently set this way. Use this to display the Image window at any size. The size box in the lower right corner can be dragged around to change the window to any size. Drawing is buffered when this is in effect. Use this to temporarily hide the image window. The window is currently hidden. Use this to temporarily hide the image window. Hiding this window can speed up rendering a bit. You may also wish to hide it if the image is very large, or if Virtual Image Buffering is happening... or if you are rendering at work :-) Use this sub-menu to hide, show and magnify the Image window. These sub-menu items contain templates for your own templates. They may be added to the application by adding resources sequentially, starting at ID=800. These sub-menu items contain templates for every texture attribute in the POV-Ray description language. It also has a generic texture{} wrapper. These sub-menu items contain templates for most of the texture identifiers defined in the Standard Include files TEXTURES.INC. These sub-menu items contain templates for every shape identifier defined in the Standard Include files SHAPES.INC and SHAPESQ.INC. These sub-menu items contain templates for most of the color identifiers defined in the Standard Include file COLORS.INC. These sub-menu items contain templates for every basic statement in the POV-Ray description language. Select this to toggle POV-Ray to automatically save the output image and shut down the Macintosh when finished rendering. Auto-Shutdown is currently enabled. Select this to toggle POV-Ray to automatically save the output image and shut down the Macintosh when finished rendering. Currently disabled. Select this to toggle POV-Ray to automatically save the output image when finished rendering. Currently enabled (save automatically.) Select this to toggle POV-Ray to automatically save the output image when finished rendering. Currently disabled (save manually.) Select this to permanently stop the rendering process. Not available because POV-Ray is not currently rendering anything. Select this to permanently stop the rendering process. If you picked the “Use Targa Output File” checkbox in the Rendering Options dialog, you can continue rendering later from where you left off. Select this to temporarily pause or continue the rendering process. When POV-Ray is paused, other programs will run faster. Currently paused. Select this to temporarily pause or continue the rendering process. Not available because POV-Ray is not currently rendering anything. Select this to temporarily pause or continue the rendering process. When POV-Ray is paused, other programs will run faster. Currently not paused.